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Welcome to Boom Studios

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About Us


Boom Studios is a Creative Hub based in Bangor, a coastal City in County Down, Northern Ireland.

We have 3 sites:

1 - Our HQ is at 80A Main St, where you will find 18 artist studios, our spacious workshop for classes, gallery space and staff workspace.

2 - Threadquarters sewing school and further artist studios across the street at 51 Main St

3 - Studio 8, Thornleigh houses our newest 2 loft-style studios in Ballyholme.

We are a registered charity and social enterprise, with a mission to support our local artists, makers and creatives and encourage participation by the community, in the arts.

We run a year-round programme of workshops (Creative Days), Trade professional development programme for creatives, rent studio space, coworking and hotdesking space, provide facilitators for arts events and popups, provide advocacy for and within the arts; and probably much more!

Our staff team of 2 work alongside our voluntary Board of Trustees, freelance facilitators and service providers, and our wonderful team of volunteers.

Take a browse around our website or get in touch at / 07825 395 053

Hello! Nice to meet you

Meet our Studiomates & Workshop Facilitators

Read our current strategy, “100 Studios”.


Meet our Staff and Board of Trustees

Boom Studios is governed by a Board of Trustees and has two permanent employees.


Marianne Kennerley


Marianne’s role includes too many things to mention! She manages our studios, projects and programming / 07825 395 053

Jenni Robinson


Jenni’s role includes general outgoing communications, studio socials & events, volunteer coordination and project work

Board of Trustees

Patrick Thompson - Chair

Jennifer Armstrong - Treasurer

Claire Dunwoody - Studiomate Liaison

Nancy Brown

Tim Brundle



Studio Directory

Find your way around

Boom Studios HQ - 80A Main St, Bangor, BT20 5AE

Top Floor

Workshop - Our large spacious room, home of the Creative Days programme, available for hire!

Gallery - Small but perfectly formed, the gallery holds work from studiomates/visiting exhibitions

Studio 1 - Judith Loder

Studio 2 - Anie Poole

Studio 3 - Eira’s Travels

Studio 4 - Jenni Robinson Art

Studio 5 - David Bunting

Studio 6 - The Dirty Painter

Studio 7 - Boom Stitchers

Studio 8 - Luke Kelly

Studio 9 - Marianne Kennerley

First Floor

Office/Communal Space

Studio 10 - Les Sharpe

Studio 11 - Tiffany McClure

Studio 12 - Mark Clendinning

Studio 13 - Louise McCartney & Fi Bracken

Studio 14 - Paintchic

Studio 15 - Francika Tidlacka / Bottle & Mix

Studio 16 - Past the Label

Studio 17 - Mandy Horton Gold

Studio 18 - The Linden Tree Studio

Boom 2: 51 Main Street, Bangor (door next to BHF shop, and ground level unit in Bingham Mall)

Studio 2/1 -

Studio 2/2 - Tara Hakin Studio / Lucinda Graham Media

Studio 2/3 - Adele Pound Wildlife Art

Studio 2/4 - Morgan Rafferty

Studio 2/5 - Threadquarters

Studio 2/6 - Ricky Drew a Piccy (Bingham Mall)

Boom Thornleigh: Studio 8, Thornleigh Gardens, Bangor

Top Floor - Jossiepops

Ground Floor - Claire Dunwoody


Volunteering with Boom Studios

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Boom Studios!

Staff and Volunteers at Boom Studios’ Volunteers Week Thank You Party

Easy as 1, 2, 3…

1 - Register as a volunteer, using the button below. You only need to register once! Support is available to complete the form - email to arrange.

2 - Log in to the Volunteer Hub (link supplied to registered volunteers) to access volunteering sign-ups, training, socials and perks.

3 - We’ll be in touch to confirm selections, send rotas, etc.

A detailed description of each role is available so you know what to expect before you apply.

Volunteering at Boom Studios is relaxed, welcoming, and flexible - if there’s anything we can do to support you in to volunteering please let us know.

Check out our current volunteering opportunities here…