Studio Directory

Find your way around

Boom Studios HQ - 80A Main St, Bangor, BT20 5AE

Top Floor

Workshop - Our large spacious room, home of the Creative Days programme, available for hire!

Gallery - Small but perfectly formed, the gallery holds work from studiomates/visiting exhibitions

Studio 1 - Judith Loder

Studio 2 - Anie Poole

Studio 3 - Eira’s Travels

Studio 4 - Jenni Robinson Art

Studio 5 - David Bunting

Studio 6 - The Dirty Painter

Studio 7 - Boom Stitchers

Studio 8 - Luke Kelly

Studio 9 - Marianne Kennerley

First Floor

Office/Communal Space

Studio 10 - Les Sharpe

Studio 11 - Tiffany McClure

Studio 12 - Mark Clendinning

Studio 13 - Louise McCartney & Fi Bracken

Studio 14 - Paintchic

Studio 15 - Francika Tidlaka / Bottle & Mix

Studio 16 - Past the Label

Studio 17 - Mandy Horton Gold

Studio 18 - The Linden Tree Studio

Boom 2: 51 Main Street, Bangor (door next to BHF shop, and ground level unit in Bingham Mall)

Studio 2/1 -

Studio 2/2 - Tara Hakin Studio / Lucinda Graham Media

Studio 2/3 - Adele Pound Wildlife Art

Studio 2/4 - Morgan Rafferty

Studio 2/5 - Threadquarters

Studio 2/6 - Ricky Drew a Piccy (Bingham Mall)

Boom Thornleigh: Studio 8, Thornleigh Gardens, Bangor

Top Floor - Jossiepops

Ground Floor - Claire Dunwoody