Pollen Studio Belfast - New Members

Pollen Studios and Gallery are looking for new members and inviting creatives to send expressions of interest.
Everyone in Pollen Studios works in an open, shared studio space, we are unable to provide an individual separate studio spaces. We are a group of artists with different art practices that come together to give back to our arts community by providing support and space for events and projects.
Working as a team, Pollen members engage in gallery programming, curating and exhibition management. All our members are involved in running the gallery space.
Benefits of Pollen membership are the opportunities to
-gain experience in the running of a small charitable arts organisation, which offers a platform for experienced and emerging artists alike.
-being an active member of the Belfast Arts scene.
- opportunities to utilise the gallery to curate a shows of your own design
-access to shared, open-plan studio space in the city centre.
You can visit our archive of events and exhibitions on our website.

If you think this sounds right for you, please get in contact with us at pollenstudiosbelfast@gmail.com or via the contact form on the website.