The Gilbert Bayes Award for early career sculptors is given annually by the Society to a small group of outstandingly talented sculptors.

Selected by the sculptor members of the Society’s Board and a guest judge, the award provides vital support during what can be a difficult transition from study to professional practice.

The award is open to sculptors of any age or nationality, with or without formal training and working in any style of media.

Award winners receive a year’s worth of professional development (including talks from guest speakers working in commercial galleries, art charities and private collections), free membership of the Royal Society of Sculptors for a year as well as inclusion in a group exhibition.

As an award recipient there will also be chance to apply for member only opportunities and a residency based at Benson Sedgwick Engineering Ltd., a metal fabricator in Dagenham, East London.

For details and application, follow the link here

Guest UserSculpture, award, UK