The Eaton Fund - Funding opportunity

The Eaton Fund has been a charitable trust since 1954, providing financial assistance for artists, nurses and women in need.

The Trustees are able to consider applications for grants from the following people, if they are resident in the UK:

Women over 18 years, living in the UK and experiencing hardship. Please note that applications must be made via an independent referee.
Painters, potters, sculptors and photographers, not performing artists. The Trustees are always pleased to see photos of the artist's work or a link to the artist's website. NB Art students must be UK citizens.

Donations are made, once only to each individual, for a specific item or purpose. Sometimes the Fund is able to make a contribution to a costly item such as an electric wheelchair. Applications cannot be considered unless a fully completed form is submitted. A supporting letter from a third party, such as a social worker or tutor, is also required. Once a grant has been made, no further applications can be considered.

For more details and application, follow the link here