Tackling Textiles Grant: Skills and Innovation (Year Two)

We are delighted to announce the launch of the second year of the Tacking Textiles Grant: Skills and Innovation. This follows the successful pilot grant last year, where we supported five different projects across Northern Ireland. 

These projects included:

  • developing skills within schools and communities around repair and reuse.

  • supporting vulnerable groups to access sewing classes. 

  • developing innovative online resources to inspire people.

  • supporting a local business to bring sewing and repair skills into the community and corporate world.

We are looking for your ideas that support tackling textile waste through waste prevention, reuse, repair and reimagine.

Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful is administering the grant provided by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) – Waste Prevention Policy Branch to explore ways to reduce the environmental impacts of textiles.

The production, consumption and disposal of clothing and textiles is a growing environmental issue both locally and globally. Across the UK we are throwing away over one million tonnes of textile waste with up to 300,000 tonnes ending up in landfill or incinerated*. 

According to WRAP clothing/textiles has the fourth largest environmental impact after housing, transport, and food.

We are looking for your ideas that help tackle this growing issue.

We would welcome applications from the following types of organisations:

  • Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (under 250 employees)

  • Social enterprises

  • Charities

  • Not for profit organisations 

  • Community & voluntary groups 

For details and application, follow the link here