Experiment! - Visual Artists Ireland

Experiment is a programme that provides an alternative form of residency. Based on feedback from members, it is clear that it is difficult for the majority of visual artists to take time out of their lives to take advantage of residential residencies. We have heard stories of issues with time off from other work, family obligations, and simply the time needed to travel to another place for an extended period of time. Therefore, we have designed this new residency in the form of research funding that is open to applications from artists at all stages of their career.

The purpose of the residency is to provide artists with funding to experiment. In keeping with our advocacy on supporting artists at all stages of their career, the residency will provide funding of 5000 Euro for an artist to undertake research which is designed to bring their practice to a new level. This can be trying out new materials, undertaking training, investigating the impact of adopting a carbon neutral strategy as part of one’s practice, further learning in a specialist area, travel, or undertaking a feasibility study that contributes to the support of their practice.

For details and application, follow the link here

Guest UserIreland, residency