Google Analytics - Workshop

What is Google Analytics is, and how can the information derived achieve growth?

This online event will cover how using Google Analytics a creative business can better understand their market, figure out how their customers are and how to better reach that demographic. This event is for creative businesses based in Ards and North Down workshop and will use practical examples to better illustrate what Google Analytics is, how it can be viewed and how to apply this information to a business to achieve growth.Attendees should come away with a strong understanding of the following:

• What are analytics?

• How much is accessible and at what cost

• How to apply analytics to benefit a business

• An overview of working examples demonstrating effectiveness of applying analytics

Attendees will also be entitled to one hour of mentoring with the facilitator at a time and place that suits both the mentor and mentee

The event will conclude with a Q&A

For more details and to sign up, follow the link here.