Society of Wildlife Artists - Open Call

The Society of Wildlife Artists seeks submissions of works that depict wildlife subjects and evoke the spirit of the natural world


  • Any artist over 18 may submit.

  • Work should be based on representing the world’s wildlife.

  • Acceptable media: Work may be in any medium including painting, sculpture and original prints (if prints, please detail edition and how many are available). The SWLA is keen to embrace new and innovative mediums and will accept computer-generated images as ‘original prints’. However, a digital print is only considered an original print if it was created by the artist to be realised specifically as a print. Reproductions of paintings or photographs will not be accepted. Photographic reproductions or mechanical prints, giclée prints, etc., that are often promoted as ‘limited edition prints’ are not acceptable.

  • Submission fee: £20 per work (or £14 per work for artists aged 35 or under).

For full details and submissions, follow the link here

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