SIAP Major Individuals Award

Major Individual Awards are intended to create the circumstances in which established artists with national / international recognition may develop extended or ambitious work. Awards can be for specific projects, specialised research, personal artistic development and materials/ equipment.

4 awards of up to £15,000 each are being offered in 2022/23.

Artists of all disciplines and in all types of working practice who have not previously received a major award and who have achieved national or international recognition.

  • Please note: You must contact the relevant artform officer and discuss your proposal with them prior to submission of any application to the Major Individuals Awards and by close of play on 10 August 2022 at the latest. Applications submitted to the Major Individual Awards programme with no prior contact with the relevant art form officer will be ineligible for consideration. Staff contact details are available on the Arts Council website

For details and applications, follow the link here