Sketchbook Walking Group


fourth Saturday of the month JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH
10am - 12:30pm

Cost: £15/session or £40 for block booking of 3

January - Burns Day in Bangor

We will roam about a bit today, taking in some areas with Scottish heritage and names.

February - Looking Through

With Spring a little way off, we will stroll to Ward Park and practice using "looking through" as a framing and detail device.  Whether bare branches, arches of the bandstand or the bowling park railings, this will be a useful exercise in noticing detail and different perspectives.

March - Spring Colours

We will take a walk to the Walled Garden in Castle Park to enjoy the first Spring shoots and blooms.  Capturing details in foliage and flowers, as well as the garden's structures, this will be a relaxing morning in nature.

Each month, my landscape painting class follows the morning sketch walk class.  Jenni has designed the classes to relate to each other, so if you would like to book on to both, you can enjoy an immersive day of sketching then using your source material to make a painting in the afternoon.