Thomas Devlin Fund – Bursaries 2024

The Thomas Devlin Fund promotes public awareness about the effects and impact of the type of violent attack from which Thomas met his death, and provides an annual bursary scheme to support the development of applicants with a particular talent in their chosen career path of either music, performing arts or creative arts (including fine arts and literary art), to financially assist them to develop their skills and knowledge and help them move up to the next level in their journey. This year applications are sought for all three categories.

This year the Trustees will continue with the bursary scheme and will offer awards of up to £1,750 to young people 15-19 years of age who would like to pursue a career in any one of the three categories of creative arts, performing arts, and music.

The Fund would particularly welcome innovative creative arts projects (including fine arts and literary art). Applicants should demonstrate;
need for financial assistance;
prospect for development of their potential and how the award will make a difference to the individual and to others in their community

For details and application, follow the link here