Emerging maker grants

The Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust (QEST) offers Emerging Maker Grants of up to £10,000 for the training and education of talented craftspeople at an early stage in their career.

what does an emerging maker grant support?

The Emerging Maker Grant is a new funding opportunity for talented early-career craftspeople. The grant provides funding of up to £10,000 to committed makers who have been practising professionally for four years or less and who have a strong connection to materials, technical skills and processes.

The funding specifically supports training and education programs to help makers enhance their craft skills and advance their careers. The training can take many forms, from traditional college courses to vocational one-on-one learning with a master craftsperson, or a bespoke programme of short courses.

what will you receive?

A grant of up to £10,000 towards craft training and education.

who can apply?

The grant is open to all makers who identify their practice within the field of craft and have a strong foundation and clear commitment to their craft. Emerging makers are defined as individuals at an early stage of their career, who have been in professional practice for four years or less. The grant is not suitable for individuals who are just starting out or pursuing making as a hobby.

Makers must also be:

  • Aged 18 or above at the time of application

  • Living in the UK with the right to reside either permanently or a long a term basis

  • Intending to continue to practice in the UK and contribute to the UK craft industry

For details and application, follow the link here

Guest Userfunding opportunity, UK