Magnetic Residencies -

Magnetic is a joint Franco-British initiative that brings together eight institutions to create a new programme of artist residencies of eight weeks each: four in France - CAPC in Bordeaux, Frac Bretagne in Rennes, Frac Grand Large in Dunkirk, Villa Arson in Nice- and four in the United Kingdom – Wysing Arts Centre in England, Flax Art Studios in Northern Ireland, Cove Park in Scotland and Aberystwyth Arts Centre in Wales. Magnetic will gradually build an expanding network of partner residencies with shared commitments and values.

The Magnetic programme is characterized by several strengths:

  • Societal and environmental issues are at the heart of this programme, the residencies are situated, with the selected artists expected to work according to the focus of each residency, in resonance with each specific context –geographical or historical, societal, artistic etc 

  • Artists receive a threshold monthly fee of £ 2100/2500 € 

  • Each artist benefits from curatorial mentoring 

  • Each residency is tailor-made in discussion with the institutions’ curatorial teams 

  • Each residency provides the artist with networking opportunities throughout their stay 

  • Artists are provided with accommodation and access to a work space. 

For information and application, follow the link here