WOMEX 2023 Bursaries

WOMEX World Music Expo will take place in Galicia, Spain, from 25th to 29th October 2023. 

This will be the ninth occasion of the Arts Council of Northern Ireland’s attendance at WOMEX which has fast become the most important international professional market for world music of every kind including folk, roots, ethnic and traditional music.

The Arts Council of Northern Ireland will offer a maximum of up to four bursary awards for WOMEX 2023 (subject to available budget). The award - £650 per delegate - is towards the costs of return flights, registration and a contribution towards accommodation and subsistence.

The delegate bursaries are available to musicians, managers and agents working in Northern Ireland and are aimed at those artists and promoters who have a track record of touring internationally, have excellent promotional material available (CDs, website etc) and who would benefit from attending the event to promote their work at this particular music industry marketplace. Only one delegate bursary will be awarded per group.   

For more details and application, follow the link here