Apprenticeships - QEST

The Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust (QEST) offers apprenticeship funding of up to £6,000 per year, or a maximum of £12,000 over three years, for the training and education of aspiring craftspeople. We provide these opportunities to sustain vital skills in traditional and contemporary crafts and contribute to excellence in the British craft industry.

Applications for a QEST Apprenticeship are a joint application from an organisation/master and an individual – the apprentice.

QEST’s focus is on developing the skills of the apprentice. However, the Apprenticeship must be to the benefit of both the apprentice and the organisation to whom they are apprenticed; that is, employing an apprentice will enable that business to flourish and grow

  • The apprentice must be aged 18 or older, (with no upper age limit); and living and working permanently in the UK;

  • They must already have:
    - a certain level of skill and a potential for excellence, i.e. already practicing and not a total novice
    - a long-term commitment to their craft where they might stay with the organisation that they are apprenticed to; and/or have an aspiration to set up on their own eventually i.e. to contribute to the British craft sector
    - already been employed (or working with) the master/company for a minimum of six months, ideally one year.

  • QEST Apprenticeship funding is focused on supporting sole-traders and micro-businesses (according to the definition by Companies House: turning over less than £632,000, has £316,000 or less on its balance sheet, and has less than 10 employees).

  • There must be a demonstration of genuine financial need from the employer; that is without QEST funding they would not be able to take on an apprentice;  and also that they are not able to access funds from any other scheme, including the government scheme.

We offer funding of up to £6,000 per year, or a maximum of £12,000 over three years. This should contribute towards the apprentice’s salary (at least minimum wage).

For more information and application, follow the link here

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