August Craft Month Exhibition 2023 - Open Call

Since 2006 August Craft Month has been an annual celebration of Craft in Northern Ireland and since 2022, we have seen this grow through a partnership with the Design and Crafts Council Ireland’s August Craft Month and Cork Craft and Design’s Cork Craft Month, allowing us to grow and share audiences across the island.  

For the 2023 August Craft Month Exhibition, we therefore ask applicants to respond to the theme of Pathways. Whether you interpret this as a series of connections, reflections of your travels or environment, experiences or actions, a personal journey or a journey in making or in your practice, the theme Pathways should be clearly shown in your submitted work and description (please see Submission below). 

We’re excited to see what Pathways means to you. 

We are particularly grateful to the former Guild of Northern Ireland Designer Makers (The Guild) who have given us a legacy gift for the development and promotion of the craft sector in Northern Ireland.

We use these funds for awards for work in the annual exhibition highlighting the work of both emerging and established makers. There will be five prizes in all: 

1st prize: £500

2 x commended: £250 each

2 x Emerging Maker prizes: £500 each for makers who have been practicing for five years or less.

Submitted work can be:

  • work taking your craft practice in a new direction; or

  • existing work you would like to showcase as part of August Craft Month 2023

  • All work must have been made within the last three years

  • Submissions must respond to the exhibition theme and this should be made clear in your work description

For details and applications, follow the link here