Craft Hub - International Exhibition

Craft Hub is a European project co-funded by Creative Europe focused on Craft in the context of cultural heritage and its continuing relevance in contemporary practice.

In 2023, Craft Hub will be celebrating and showcasing the skill and innovation of contemporary craft makers in an International Exhibition. The exhibition will commence in the beautiful city of Matera, Italy in April 2023, before proceeding to venues in Greece, Germany, Portugal, Ireland, Wales, with the final exhibition in Norway in October 2023.

The exhibition will feature work from across the whole spectrum of craft techniques and uses an anonymous selection process, giving emerging artists an equal opportunity to be selected alongside the established makers. 

We are delighted to invite Craft Makers to submit an application to be a part of this exhibition.

This is a NATIONAL call for UK-based craft practitioners to participate in the Crafthub exhibition being organised by UWTSD in Swansea, Wales, UK.

If you are a UK-based craft practitioner and have already applied for the itinerant pieces international call, your application will be considered.

Exhibition dates 14-27 September 2023

Application deadline: 24 April 2023

For details and application, follow the link here

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