The Gallery - Open call

We’re inviting artists aged 18 and over to apply to present a high-impact artwork as part of the third season of The Gallery.

The Gallery exhibits contemporary art in public space to stimulate debate about the important questions of our time. Continuing this mission, we invite artists from around the world to respond to the theme:

No But Where Are You Really From? 

We live in a globalised world of international travel and mass migration. Over the centuries, peoples, animals, plants and pathogens have continuously crisscrossed the Earth’s oceans and continents. So, what part does place still play in identity?

The Gallery’s Season 3 theme encourages artists to ask timely questions about origin, inclusivity, belonging, transition and exchange. The theme also invites artists to consider what it feels like to be excluded or denied on the one hand, and accepted and embraced on the other.

The 10 selected proposals will be reproduced at scale and displayed for millions to see in public sites traditionally reserved for advertising across England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. This is an opportunity for artistic exposure on a grand scale and to be part of the national debate.

Founded in 2022, The Gallery exhibits on street billboards, digital screens, bus shelters and cinemas. To date the artworks have been seen over 120 million times by people across the UK.

For more details and application, follow the link here