Woodturning Connect 2023

Biennial Exhibition & Competitions

The Worshipful Company of Turners holds its turning competitions every two years. They attract entries from turners of all ages and skill. There should be a competition for you, whatever your interest or proficiency

A. The Worshipful Company of Turners’ Competitions

These competitions are open to all turners normally resident in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland (except for the Bert Marsh competitions)

  • The Master’s Exhibition – a piece taking the Royal Coronation as its theme. Entry by invitation only

  • The Master’s mixed media competition – any turned item in wood and incorporating at least some leather or pewter, or both

  • Felix Levy Competition – Any piece of turning with no restriction as to subject, size or style

  • Bert Marsh Competitions – two categories, one for members of the Worshipful Company of Turners and one for holders of the Company’s Certificate in Turning

B. Competitions organised in conjunction with the Association of Woodturners of Great Britain. Open to members of the AWGB

C. Competitions organised in conjunction with the Society of Ornamental Turners. Open to members of the SOT

D. Competition organised in conjunction with Association of Pole Lathe Turners and Greenwood Workers. Open to members of the APTGW

  • Pole Lathe, One competition, to produce a piece on a pole lathe

Full details and applications can be found on the link here

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