Lessons Learnt in Marketing - Webinar

This online webinar will showcase some of the key learnings of recent promotional campaigns to showcase the creative industries.

One of the best ways for businesses to learn is learning from mistakes as well as success. This event is for creative businesses based in Ards and North Down and will showcase some of the key learnings of recent promotional campaigns to showcase the creative industries. The event will provide an overview of what these campaigns were and where they were successful and where they performed below expectation and why.

The lessons will be presented in a way that is applicable to local creative businesses.

Attendees will come away with a clear understanding of recent promotional campaigns for the creative sector, what technology was employed and where the success were as well as underperformance. Those in attendance should come away with an understanding now only of what worked and what didn’t but also why certain ideas proved effective or ineffective.

To sign up, follow the link here