Deutsche Bank Awards for Creative Entreprenours

For 30 years the Deutsche Bank Awards for Creative Entrepreneurs has helped creatives bring their ideas and business goals to life.

Partnering with MeWe360, the programme aims to enable and celebrate talented entrepreneurs to make positive social impact through their creative ventures.

This year for the first time, DBACE is open to all applicants over the age of 18.

If you are successful in applying to the Deutsche Bank Awards, you will receive;

  • up to £20,000 investment to start or grow your enterprise

  • 12 months business support with MeWe360 and Deutsche Bank’s high calibre industry & business mentors

  • recognition and the opportunity to raise your profile within the industry

  • access to peer and influential industry contacts

  • leverage to bring in additional funding and access to further investment opportunities

  • specially tailored business and leadership training for the cohort of winners

For details and application, follow the link here