Belfast 2024 creative programme - Funding opportunity

Belfast 2024 is an ambitious cultural celebration for our city. It will present a wide-ranging programme of creative local projects, events and city initiatives in 2024 - made by the people of Belfast for the people of Belfast. We are inviting expressions of interest from the creative sectors to commission a host of ideas, projects and events as part of the city’s Belfast 2024 creative programme.

Belfast 2024 will support activities that create new connections. It aims to bring people together to think, explore and create in new ways. It will be made up of local and international commissions and partnerships. The programme has a focus on cross-sector working and making good use of public space.

Belfast 2024 is founded on our belief and commitment that culture, sustainability, collaboration, partnership and people should be at the heart of the city’s decision-making and development.

By focusing on these areas together, we aim to:

  • help make Belfast a more accessible, attractive and exciting place to live and work

  • address city dereliction by increasing creative and cultural vibrancy and civic pride

  • recognise the climate crisis, develop awareness and help change cultural behaviours

  • re-activate Belfast’s tourism sector and develop our cultural tourism offer

  • deliver a distinct portfolio of city events connected to citizens and attracting international visitors, promoting Belfast as a world-class cultural destination.

For more information, guidance and application, follow the link here