Video Art Festival in Virtual Reality - Open Call

Video Art Festival in Virtual Reality is currently an online virtual 3d event produced by non-profit association ZMO - Zusammenarbeit mit Osteuropa - Regionalverband Dresden e.V. (Germany) creative center "Omnibus"*. Its purpose is to celebrate fine art filmmakers and their unique visions in experimental and fine.

* ZMO - Zusammenarbeit mit Osteuropa - Regionalverband Dresden e.V. are many charitable projects under this umbrella. Art, culture and creativity contribute a lot to international understanding on site.

We want to bring filmmakers from around the globe together in a unique way in order to showcase and enjoy films in the experimental, fine art, video art, animation and avant garde genres that many have never seen or heard of.

Awards & Prizes

First place - DIGITAL CertificateSecond place - DIGITAL CertificateThird place - DIGITAL CertificateFourth place - DIGITAL Certificate

Rules & TermsAll Films must be experimental in nature. This can be abstract, ornarrative. We also accept works of video art, experimental films, experimental animation, experimental music video.

For details and submission, follow the link here