Flourish Award for Excellence in Printmaking 2024

The Flourish Award celebrates excellence in printmaking through a curated exhibition of around 10-15 artists shortlisted from open submission. We are looking for creativity, skill, originality and innovation in traditional handmade print: from relief print and intaglio to screen print, lithography and more. 

The winner of the Award goes on to present their own solo print exhibition in Huddersfield. They will also benefit from a 2-week period of access to the facilities at WYPW.  In addition, there are runners-up prizes, including our student/recent graduate award. 

The competition is open to established, emerging, and student artist/printmakers, with shortlisting and prizes awarded by an independent panel of judges. Artists can submit up to 3 individual pieces for consideration and have the chance to be part of an increasingly recognised Award and national exhibition, which provides a significant development opportunity for the winner as well as exposure.  

For details and application, follow the link here

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