the Endangered Crafts Fund

Thanks to support from the Radcliffe Trust and the Sussex Heritage Trust – Heritage Crafts invites craft practitioners and organisations in the UK to apply for small grants to fund projects that support endangered crafts (the craft must be listed as endangered or critically endangered on the current Red List of Endangered Crafts).

During the current energy crisis and cost inflation our craft skills are at more risk than ever before. This fund can now be used to consider and implement measures that benefit both your environmental and financial sustainability. There is a maximum of £2,000 available for each project and we will work with you to develop and support your work.

For example, this may include:

  • training for yourself to learn a new craft or technique;

  • training for an apprentice so that you can pass on skills and knowledge;

  • investing in more efficient tools and machinery;

  • developing reduced-carbon routes to market;

  • exploring the use of alternative materials while maintaining the heritage character of your practice; or

  • innovative approaches to supporting and promoting endangered crafts.

For more details and application, follow the link here