Creative Showcasing - Workshop

What is visual merchandising and how and why is it important for business?

This online workshop will address how a creative business that is thinking of selling online or has started selling online should present their products and services both physically and virtually to better attract customers and represent their band.

The event is for creative businesses based in Ards and North Down.

Topics will include:

  • 1. Understanding your Customer

  • 2. Optimising your Brand identity & Story

  • 3. The value of Visual Merchandising

  • 4. The Pillars of VM: Theme; Colour & Composition; Call to Action

  • 5. Optimising your Online VM & Presentation skills

  • 6. Q&A / FA

Attendees will come away with a clear understanding of what visual merchandising is, how and why it is important for their business and clear steps they can take to begin applying lessons to their own business. The workshop will conclude with a Q&A.

For more details and to sign up, follow the link here