Underwater Sculpture Garden - Open Call

The Seabed Sanctuary have been invited by the Foreshore Licensing Department to submit an application for an underwater sculpture garden off the West Cork coast.

Therefore the Seabed Sanctuary have released an open call for applications to take part. The process of this project will be between twelve and eighteen months, maybe longer, from submission date. Artists are invited to propose preliminary brief drafts of their ideas in two strands:

  1. individual sculptures

  2. grand scale thematic designs.

Proposals are invited from either or both of these categories. At this stage only sketches of ideas, and a short description with anticipated materials and size are requested.

Working with authorities the sanctuary aim to present all submissions. All proposals will remain the property of the artist, not to be shared except in due process of the licence application.

Important information:

  • Height: Ranging from less than 1m to about 11m, variable depending on slope of seabed. To the surface, sculptures need 4m clearance above.

  • Materials: Sculptures will form bio-diverse marine reefs expected to develop and unfold throughout the seasons. Only non-polluting
    materials to be used.

  • Installation: On a firm seabed sculptures will use bases made from ph neutral concrete, anchorage where necessary, and no drilling. Sculptures will be lifted into place by marine
    engineers, under supervision by qualified personnel and in compliance with Health and Safety regulations.

  • Timeline: Initial outline proposals to be submitted by 2pm on 12th December 2022 by email. Earliest expected selection date and first installations to commence spring 2024.

  • Funding: Various resources, from both arts and conservation funds are being researched and anticipated, available when Foreshore Licence is fully in place. Some private sponsorship is also anticipated.

As an educational resource for the community, the sanctuary encourage emerging artists and also established sculptors interested in all aspects of a large-scale project. The sea area proposed is about 14 hectares.

To apply, email your proposal to sculpture@seabedsanctuary.org.

For more information, follow the link here

Guest UserSculpture, Ireland