Rosy James Memorial Trust Award - Arts council NI

This unique award is directed at makers steeped in practice using materials singly or in combination. Such materials might include fired clay or glass; fine or base metals; textiles using any kinds of applications; wood; plastics; paper or other materials not included in this list, where the emphasis is based upon the transformation of materials through the use of sustained practice towards a series of critical outcomes.

It aims to assist makers to investigate and develop a body of work which would otherwise be unaffordable.

The period of the award will culminate in an exhibition of work on public display in Northern Ireland.

The main thrust is to be directed towards the body of work and may include

  • Project assistance

  • Art materials

  • Buying time for own practice/creation of new work. Residencies/Master classesResearch(materials, technology, practices)

  • Collaboration with makers and artists in other disciplines

  • Artistic or technical fees including those towards production or post-production costs associated with presentation or exhibition of work

  • Travel costs, including mileage costs (@25.7p per mile) and air travel

  • Subsistence costs @£15 per day.

  • Technical equipment related to the project/proposal* (equipment requests cannot comprise more than 50% of the value of your request)

  • IT Equipment *: (equipment requests cannot comprise more than 50% of the value of your request; a maximum contribution of £1,200 will be made towards laptops and pcs, and £500 towards tablet computers.) * If you are including costs for technical or creative equipment as part of your application it’s important you tell us:

    • why the equipment is necessary for the project and appropriate for your needs

    • why buying equipment is more appropriate than hiring it, where applicable

    • your plans for continued use of the asset after the end of the project

    • your plans for maintenance, storage and insurance, and any additional ongoing costs after the project ends *If you do not include this information, we may decide not to fund the equipment element of your request.

For more details and application, follow the link here