Young Musicians’ Platform - Arts council NI

The Arts Council of Northern Ireland (ACNI), in collaboration with BBC Northern Ireland (BBC NI), offers awards for young, exceptionally talented solo musicians / singers / singer-songwriters in Classical, Jazz, Contemporary and Traditional Music who are ready to enter the professional world as artists.

The Young Musicians’ Platform Scheme is a biennial scheme offering a maximum of six individual awards of up to £5,000 plus two professional engagements arranged by BBC Northern Ireland for a broadcast chamber music/solo recital and/or concerto performance with the Ulster Orchestra where appropriate.

The financial award associated with this scheme will allow applicants to spend a sizeable amount of time learning from a master musician/teacher/composer etc. abroad.

The BBC will facilitate this scheme by offering two professional broadcast performances to six successful applicants, in the period January 2023 to December 2024.

For details and application, follow the link here