Oil painting
Oil painting second saturday of the month 10AM - 12PM
Cost £35 per person
All resources will be provided to start us off but feel free to bring your own paints, canvas and brushes. Please do not bring any solvents.
You may bring the photographs for inspiration.
Please wear clothes that you don’t mind getting stained. Oil paints do not wash off fabrics.
If you have allergies be aware we will be using solvents and mediums, see list below. Oil paints also stain the skin and will take longer to clean off.
Please bring a box to take your painting home. Oil paints take long time to dry. Your painting will be very fragile and still wet after class.
Tea, coffee provided.
This is a super fun opportunity to spend the morning making art.
Hope to see you in Boom!
Resource which are provided:
Canvas 20cmx20cm
Oil paints
White spirit or Balsamic Turpentine
Painting medium quick-drying
Range of paintbrushes
Palette knives
Canvas boards
Magdalena Breen is a painter and a jewellery artist