Sketchbook Library 2025

As part of the Aspects 2025 Festival we are creating a sketchbook library with contributions from local artists, designer, makers .

This project has bee inspired by The Brooklyn Art Library -SketchBook Project and has been made possible;e with a kind contribution for Christopher Murphy of sketchbooks.

If you are reading this information them you have received a sketchbook from Boom Studios.

The plan is to create a small library of sketchbooks that can be viewed by the public in the project space at Boom Studios during the festival ( last week of September - first week in October 2025 ) Details are TBC.

We are also providing an opportutinuty to exhibit work developed from the sketchbook alongside the sketchbook library. ( A small contribution will be required)

This page will be updated as the project develops.

Marianne Kennerley